The New Obsession of Georgia May Jagger and Marlon Teixeira

Cosa provoca ai modelli Georgia May Jagger e Marlon Teixeira ad usare compulsivamente i loro smartphone?

Organizzano la loro fitta agenda? Controllano le loro e-mail? Rispondono alle fan? Prova a indovinare ancora! 

Pare che entrambi soffrano di una seria dipendenza da… video games! E più precisamente dal nuovo e terribilmente coinvolgente Just Cavalli Game.

Scopri il gioco Just Cavalli Just a bite su facebook e su Apple store.

Are you prepared for Just a Bite ? 

Are you ready to run back in time, memory and New York City ? Just a Bite is the very last digital Just Cavalli digital campaign. 

To launch Just For her and Just For Him fragrances, Cavalli invites you to attend the ultimate immersive user experience. The Just a Bite game is filled with clues and badges. 

Here is how it starts: you wake up in your apartment with a strange bite on the hand and no clue about how it ended up there. Next thing you know, you are thoroughly looking around your apartment to gather as much elements as you can to reach the next level of the game: the ride through NYC, to reach the Cavalli Python club. In the meantime, you’ll have to defeat some unwilling bouncers to get in and finally find the special person you got that bite from. 

Enter the Just a Bite experience now and discover the new Just Cavalli fragrances.

Discover the game Just Cavalli Just a bite on facebook and on Apple store.